copyright Kathleen McDermott 2020
built with Indexhibit
How it Slips
How it Slips is an interventionist performance in public space exploring femme and queer bodies in HYPER visibility and in obfuscation.
The performers re-shape their bodies with light––they radiate in multiplicity as flasher, fire-fly, street light, flashlight, comic trope, queer camouflage. Light as a protective coat.
How it Slips invites the audience to consider––what do they conceal of themselves in public space, and what do they let slip? How do they signal, how do they ask to be seen? How do they direct our attention, and what do they highlight? Light as urban camouflage––we hide in plain sight.
Kathleen McDermott & Monica Duncan, featuring Neva Guido, Hsiao-Chu (Julia) Hsia & Libby Paloma. Lead Soft Goods Designer: Daniel Ryan Johnston. Fabrication support: Lorca Yu, Jess Zepeda.
How it Slips is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC), PSC-CUNY Award, jointly funded by The Professional Staff Congress and The City University of New York, with additional support from NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Integrated Design & Media. NYC Parks permit #829396
LEDs, diffusion fabric, custom neoprene jackets
high res images available upon request